See how the upcoming holiday will affect your pickup schedule: Chicago Recycling and Garbage Pickup Schedule 

Bulky Item Pick Up

Need to get rid of something that's too big to fit in your cart?  From free pickup to drop-off, here are the best ways to dispose of all your oversized stuff in Chicago. 

Non-Working, Non-Useful?  

Call 3-1-1 and request Bulky Item Pick Up Service. The City will pick up oversized items including furniture, major appliances, and mattresses, for free.  For refrigerators and freezers pickup, the doors must be removed before setting them out. 

TIP:  When buying a new appliance, ask if they'll pick up your old appliance when delivering the new one.  Many national brand appliance stores have these types of recycling programs. 

Bulky Item Pick Up is not for TVs or computer equipment. Computer equipment and TVs can be recycled, free of charge, at the Household Chemicals and Computer Recycling Facility. Computer equipment can also be taken to Best Buy stores for recycling. Best Buy charges $25 for recycling TVs, all other computer equipment recycling is free. 

Still Useful?

The Salvation Army offers pickup. 

The Salvation Army offers free pickup of furniture, appliances, and clothing in good, working condition. Dishwashers and air conditioners are excluded. Don't forget to request your donation receipt for your taxes! Schedule a pickup.



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