Grasscycling. The Easy Way to a Better Lawn

Imagine mowing your lawn in less time, with better results.  Some would call that a dream, others call it grasscycling.  

So what is Grasscycling?

Grasscycling is a fancy term for not removing grass clippings from the lawn. Taking the bag off the mower is the only action required to go from mowing to grasscycling. Zero to hero. 

"Hero" seem like a stretch? There are some seriously good reasons gardeners and governments alike have a crush on grasscycling. 

Why Grasscycling Rocks

1.   It's a timesaver.  No mower bags to empty, no raking, less carried to the curb.  

2.   Grasscycling saves energy - lots of energy.   Hauling grass is expensive - and wasteful.  For this reason, in many states, like California and Illinois, there are laws that ban cities and residents from sending grass to the landfill.  In other states, extra garbage trucks are rolled out in summertime to keep up with the lawn clippings.  

A typical diesel garbage truck averages just 2-3mpg  per the Washington Post.  How far away are your grass clippings being transported? 

3.   Grass clippings are a natural fertilizer returning vital nutrients like nitrogen to the soil as they decompose. 

4.   Grasscycling is a fantastic excuse for trading up to an electric mower, or zero-emission reel mower. 

Imagine never needing to transport fuel or oil again.  Both electric and manual push mowers are easier to maintain and easier on the ears than legacy gas guzzlers. Upgrading from a 2 or 4-stroke mower will also cut an astonishing amount of carbon emissions from your yard care routine.

Edmonds once pitted a 411 horsepower truck against a couple of leaf blowers to compare their emissions.  If you're not familiar with the report, hold onto your hat.

Edmunds found that the hydrocarbon emissions from a half-hour of yard work with the two-stroke leaf blower are about the same as a 3,900-mile drive from Texas to Alaska in a V8 truck.  Go ahead, read that again.  We know US autos have further improved their emissions since that study, but is the same true of 2-stroke motor manufacturers who aren't regulated like auto-makers?  

Are you starting to think grasscycling could be your new bestie?

How to Grasscycle Like a Boss 

Kreigh Hampel, Recycling Coordinator for the City of Burbank offers these tips for ensuring a healthy, happy, and mutually rewarding relationship with grasscycling. 

Grasscycling Tips - by Kreigh Hampel 

•  Remove the mower's bag.
•  Keep the blades scary sharp!
•  Cut the grass higher than usual.
•  Cut it dry, before watering or before it rains. 

Enjoy your grass regularly or replace it with edibles, natives, and shade!


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